For foreigners


OPEN 12:00 ~ CLOSE 5:00

TEL +813-5980-9990   (You can call by touching the phone number)

Please call us before you visit us
こちらは 新宿四谷にある日本人セラピストによるメンズボディトリートメント アロマスペース ジャパン の外国から観光にいらしたお客様向けのページです。

#ilovejapan #japanholiday #japantrip #japanmassage #japanrubdown

Our shop is a specialist massage shop for men

A Japanese woman gently washes your body with a special soap.

Later, she will do a massage very gently



special offer

60min \12,000¥10,000

80min \15,000¥12,000

100min \18,000¥15,000

120min \21,000¥18,000

There is also a long time course.
Please contact us

Only massage No sex


From Yotsuya Station, head for Shinjuku Avenue towards Shinjuku.

If you walk about 5 minutes, there is 100 yen Lawson, so please call from there.

If you do not know the location of our shop, please feel free to call me

address:2-8-8-901 yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

phone :+813-5980-9990